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- program checkers;
- label 50;
- const
- MAX = 20;
- MAX360 = 7200;
- MAX12P12 = 252;
- MAXP1 = 21;
- type
- var
- mvlst : array[0..MAX360] of integer;
- vixbrd,brd,tkn,sw1,sw2,se1,se2 : array[0..32] of integer;
- nw1,nw2,ne1,ne2,oldbrd,clrbrd,kval : array[0..32] of integer;
- nx,s,e,wx : array[0..32] of integer;
- princ : array[12..MAX12P12,1..MAX] of integer;
- oldprinc : array[12..MAX12P12] of integer;
- tmv : array[0..12] of integer;
- lm : array[1..12] of integer;
- ii,jj,olc : array[12..23] of integer;
- dmax,tpc,plyr,nextm,tmvp,code : integer;
- top,bug,dv,over,alok,near,jedit,jinit : boolean;
- lij,kk,t,big_window,xmax,ymax,wmax,hmax,mul:integer;
- can_mov,clr_brd,title1,title2,edit_brd,init_brd,strt_gme,quit_edi:integer;
- red_top,red_bot,t_black,t_white,comp_p,quit:integer;
- level:array [0..10] of integer;
- dline:array [1..6] of integer;
- sq,c,m_state,dummy,which,mx,my,bs,ws,bp,wp,i,j,n:integer;
- msg:message_buffer;
- a_menu:menu_ptr;
- a,sonia:string;
- ok,full,mono:boolean;
- timelim : long_integer;
- d_color:array[0..3] of integer;
- function s_color(a,b:integer):integer;
- XBIOS(7);
- procedure pnt_color(colr:integer);
- begin
- if mono then begin
- if colr=1 then paint_color(0) else paint_color(1);
- if (colr=0) then paint_style(5)
- else paint_style(1);
- if (colr=3) then paint_style(6);
- end
- else paint_color(colr);
- end;
- function gia_read(dum:integer):integer;
- xbios(37);
- procedure rectangle;
- begin
- hide_mouse;
- frame_rect(50*i+150,(20*j-6)*mul,50,20*mul);
- frame_rect(50*i+151,(20*j-6)*mul,48,20*mul);
- frame_rect(50*i+152,(20*j-6)*mul,46,20*mul);
- show_mouse;
- end;
- procedure convert_g(n:integer; var i,j:integer);
- begin
- if not top then n:=33-n;
- j:=(n-1) div 4+1;
- i:=((n-1) mod 4)*2+1;
- if j mod 2=1 then i:=i+1;
- end;
- procedure show_move(b:integer);
- var
- c:integer;
- begin
- for c:=b+1 to b+mvlst[b] do
- if mvlst[c]<>99 then begin
- convert_g(abs(mvlst[c]),i,j);
- line_color(0);
- if mono then line_color(1);
- rectangle;
- end;
- repeat
- which:=get_event( E_Button, 1, 1, 1, 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- dummy, dummy, dummy, mx, my, dummy );
- until which=E_Button;
- my:=trunc(my/mul);
- for c:=b+1 to b+mvlst[b] do
- if mvlst[c]<>99 then begin
- convert_g(abs(mvlst[c]),i,j);
- line_color(3);
- if mono then begin
- hide_mouse;
- paint_color(1);
- paint_style(6);
- paint_rect(50*i+150,(20*j-6)*mul,50,20*mul);
- show_mouse;
- end
- else rectangle;
- end;
- which:=get_event( E_Button, 1, 0, 1, 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- dummy, dummy, dummy, mx, my, dummy );
- end;
- procedure disp_move;
- var
- c:integer;
- same:boolean;
- begin
- same:=true;
- for c:=13 to lij do
- if olc[c]<>abs(princ[c,1]) then
- same:=false;
- if not same then begin
- hide_mouse;
- pnt_color(3);
- for c:=13 to lij do
- if (ii[c]<>0) and (jj[c]<>0) then begin
- i:=ii[c];
- j:=jj[c];
- paint_rect(50*i+150,(20*j-6)*mul,10,4*mul)
- end;
- pnt_color(0);
- for c:=13 to 12+princ[12,1] do
- if princ[c,1]<>99 then begin
- convert_g(abs(princ[c,1]),i,j);
- olc[c]:=abs(princ[c,1]);
- ii[c]:=i;
- jj[c]:=j;
- pnt_color(0);
- paint_rect(50*i+150,(20*j-6)*mul,10,4*mul);
- lij:=c;
- end;
- show_mouse;
- end;
- end;
- procedure init_screen;
- var
- c,c1,x,y,wm,hm,d:integer;
- title:window_title;
- begin
- if ok then init_mouse;
- hide_mouse;
- if ok then begin
- big_window:=new_window(0,title,0,0,0,0);
- open_window(big_window,0,0,0,0);
- set_window(big_window);
- work_rect(0,d,d,wm,hm);
- paint_outline(false);
- for c:=0 to 3 do
- d_color[c]:=s_color(c,-1);
- if hm>210 then begin
- mono:=true;
- mul:=2;
- end;
- if (wm<600) then begin
- d:=do_alert('[1][ | | Use medium or high res ][ OK ]',1);
- goto 50;
- end;
- end;
- if not mono then begin
- set_color(1,1000,1000,1000);
- set_color(0,0,0,600); {blue}
- set_color(3,0,600,0); {green}
- set_color(2,750,0,0); {red}
- end;
- pnt_color(0);
- paint_rect(0,0,640,200*mul);
- line_color(1);
- if not mono then begin
- frame_rect(-1,-1,640,188*mul);
- frame_rect(0,-1,638,188*mul);
- end;
- pnt_color(2);
- paint_rect(192,10*mul,416,168*mul);
- c1:=0;
- y:=14;
- while (y<174) do begin
- if (c1 mod 2=0) then c:=0 else c:=1;
- x:=200;
- while (x<570) do begin
- if (c mod 2=0) then pnt_color(1) else pnt_color(3);
- paint_rect(x,y*mul,50,20*mul);
- x:=x+50;
- c:=c+1
- end;
- y:=y+20;
- c1:=c1+1;
- end;
- show_mouse;
- end;
- procedure set_menu;
- var
- c:integer;
- begin
- a_menu:=new_menu(30,' About checkers... ');
- title1:=add_mtitle(a_menu,' Game ');
- title2:=add_mtitle(a_menu,' Options ');
- init_brd:=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Initialize board ');
- strt_gme:=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Start game ');
- edit_brd:=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Edit board ');
- quit_edi:=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Quit edit ');
- clr_brd :=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Clear board ');
- can_mov :=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Cancel move ');
- dline[1]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,'--------------------');
- t_black :=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Computer is red ');
- t_white :=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Computer is white ');
- dline[2]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,'--------------------');
- red_top :=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Red plays top ');
- red_bot :=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Red plays bottom ');
- dline[3]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,'--------------------');
- quit :=add_mitem(a_menu,title1,' Quit ');
- level[0]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title2,' Level 0 (5 secs) ');
- level[1]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title2,' Level 1 (30 secs) ');
- level[2]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title2,' Level 2 (2 mins) ');
- level[3]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title2,' Level 3 (5 mins) ');
- level[4]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title2,' Level 4 (20 mins) ');
- level[5]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title2,' Level 5 (2 hrs ) ');
- level[6]:=add_mitem(a_menu,title2,' Level 6 (8 hrs ) ');
- for c:=1 to 3 do
- menu_disable(a_menu,dline[c]);
- draw_menu(a_menu);
- end;
- procedure convert_s(i,j:integer; var n:integer);
- begin
- n:=(i-1) div 2+(j-1)*4+1;
- if not top then n:=33-n;
- end;
- procedure print_board;
- var
- i,j,n:integer;
- begin
- hide_mouse;
- for n:=32 downto 1 do
- if (brd[n]<>vixbrd[n]) or full then begin
- case brd[n] of
- -2:pnt_color(2);
- -1:pnt_color(2);
- 0:pnt_color(3);
- 1:pnt_color(1);
- 2:pnt_color(1);
- end;
- convert_g(n,i,j);
- if (brd[n]=0) then
- paint_rect(50*i+150,(20*j-6)*mul,50,20*mul)
- else begin
- paint_oval(50*i+175,(20*j+3)*mul,18,-4);
- paint_oval(50*i+175,(20*j+4)*mul,18,-4);
- end;
- pnt_color(0);
- if abs(brd[n])=2 then begin
- if mono then paint_style(5);
- paint_rect(50*i+171,(20*j-2)*mul,9,12*mul);
- paint_rect(50*i+163,(20*j+2)*mul,25,4*mul);
- end;
- end;
- show_mouse;
- end;
- procedure info;
- var
- dialog : Dialog_Ptr ;
- button,
- ok_btn,
- prompt_item:integer;
- begin
- dialog := New_Dialog( 20, 0, 0, 40, 18 ) ;
- prompt_item := Add_DItem( dialog, G_String, None, 12, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
- Set_DText( dialog, prompt_item, 'ST CHECKERS 1.0',
- System_Font, TE_Center ) ;
- prompt_item := Add_DItem( dialog, G_String, None, 12, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
- Set_DText( dialog, prompt_item, '---------------',
- System_Font, TE_Center ) ;
- prompt_item := Add_DItem( dialog, G_String, None, 11, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
- Set_DText( dialog, prompt_item, 'by Pascal Parent',
- System_Font, TE_Center ) ;
- prompt_item := Add_DItem( dialog, G_String, None, 11, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
- Set_DText( dialog, prompt_item, 'ST adaptation by',
- System_Font, TE_Center ) ;
- prompt_item := Add_DItem( dialog, G_String, None, 10, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
- Set_DText( dialog, prompt_item, 'Francois Villeneuve',
- System_Font, TE_Center ) ;
- prompt_item := Add_DItem( dialog, G_String, None, 8, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
- Set_DText( dialog, prompt_item, 'Montreal, December 1986',
- System_Font, TE_Center ) ;
- ok_btn := Add_DItem( dialog, G_Button, Selectable|Exit_Btn|Default,
- 16, 14, 8, 2, 2, $1180 ) ;
- Set_DText( dialog, ok_btn, 'OK', System_Font, TE_Center ) ;
- Center_Dialog( dialog ) ;
- button := Do_Dialog( dialog, 0 ) ;
- end_dialog(dialog);
- delete_dialog(dialog);
- end;
- procedure redraw;
- begin
- if (which=E_Message) and (msg[3]=3) then begin
- info;
- menu_normal(a_menu,msg[3]);
- which:=get_event( E_Message, 1, 1, 1, 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- dummy, dummy, dummy, mx, my, dummy );
- end;
- if (which=E_Message) and (msg[0]=WM_Redraw) then begin
- init_screen;
- vixbrd:=clrbrd;
- print_board;
- end;
- end;
- procedure setup;
- label 30;
- var
- i,j,coul:integer;
- begin
- jedit:=true;
- menu_enable(a_menu,quit_edi);
- menu_enable(a_menu,clr_brd);
- menu_disable(a_menu,edit_brd);
- menu_disable(a_menu,strt_gme);
- menu_disable(a_menu,init_brd);
- menu_disable(a_menu,t_black);
- menu_disable(a_menu,t_white);
- menu_disable(a_menu,red_top);
- menu_disable(a_menu,red_bot);
- for i:=0 to 6 do
- menu_disable(a_menu,level[i]);
- repeat
- which:=get_event( E_Message | E_Button, 1, 1, 1, 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- dummy, dummy, dummy, mx, my, dummy );
- menu_normal(a_menu,title1); menu_normal(a_menu,title2);
- my:=trunc(my/mul);
- if (which=E_Message) and (msg[4]=clr_brd) then begin
- vixbrd:=brd;
- brd:=clrbrd;
- print_board;
- end;
- if (which=E_Message) and ((msg[0]=WM_Redraw) or (msg[3]=3))
- then redraw;
- if which=E_Message then goto 30;
- if (which=e_button) and (mx>199) and (mx<601) and (my>13)
- and (my<185) then begin
- my:=my-12;
- i:=((mx-200) div 50)+1;
- j:=((my-14) div 20)+1;
- if ((i mod 2=1) and (j mod 2=0)) or ((i mod 2=0) and (j mod 2=1))
- then begin
- convert_s(i,j,n);
- case (brd[n]) of
- 0:brd[n]:=-1;
- -1:brd[n]:= 1;
- 1:brd[n]:= 2;
- 2:brd[n]:=-2;
- -2:brd[n]:= 0;
- end;
- case (brd[n]) of
- 0:coul:=3;
- -1:coul:=2;
- 1:coul:=1;
- -2:coul:=2;
- 2:coul:=1;
- end;
- hide_mouse;
- pnt_color(coul);
- paint_oval((50*i+175),(20*j+3)*mul,18,-4);
- paint_oval((50*i+175),(20*j+4)*mul,18,-4);
- pnt_color(0);
- if abs(brd[n])=2 then begin
- if mono then paint_style(5);
- paint_rect(50*i+171,(20*j-2)*mul,9,12*mul);
- paint_rect(50*i+163,(20*j+2)*mul,25,4*mul);
- end;
- show_mouse;
- end;
- which:=get_event( E_Button, 1, 0, 1, 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- dummy, dummy, dummy, mx, my, dummy );
- 30: end;
- until (which=E_Message) and ((msg[4]=quit_edi) or (msg[4]=quit));
- menu_disable(a_menu,clr_brd);
- menu_enable(a_menu,edit_brd);
- menu_enable(a_menu,strt_gme);
- menu_enable(a_menu,init_brd);
- menu_enable(a_menu,t_black);
- menu_disable(a_menu,quit_edi);
- menu_enable(a_menu,t_white);
- menu_enable(a_menu,red_top);
- menu_enable(a_menu,red_bot);
- for i:=0 to 6 do
- menu_enable(a_menu,level[i]);
- end;
- procedure quit_prg;
- var
- c:integer;
- begin
- close_window(big_window);
- for c:=0 to 3 do
- dummy:=s_color(c,d_color[c]);
- end;
- procedure print_message(b:string;wait:boolean);
- begin
- hide_mouse;
- pnt_color(0);
- paint_rect(10,17*mul,150,10*mul);
- draw_mode(2);
- if mono then text_color(0) else text_color(1);
- draw_string(10,24*mul,b);
- draw_mode(1);
- show_mouse;
- end;
- procedure skip(ss,pc:integer);
- var
- jfound,k,tmp,s1,s2: integer;
- begin
- tmv[tmvp]:=ss;
- tmp:=tmvp;
- tmvp:=tmvp+1;
- jfound:=0;
- if (sw2[ss]<>0) and (pc<>1) then
- if (tkn[sw1[ss]]<1) and (brd[sw2[ss]]=0) then begin
- if abs(brd[sw1[ss]])=2 then
- tmv[tmp]:=-ss
- else
- tmv[tmp]:=ss;
- tkn[sw1[ss]]:=2;
- jfound:=1;
- skip(sw2[ss],pc)
- end;
- if (se2[ss]<>0) and (pc<>1) then
- if (tkn[se1[ss]]<1) and (brd[se2[ss]]=0) then begin
- if abs(brd[se1[ss]])=2 then
- tmv[tmp]:=-ss
- else
- tmv[tmp]:=ss;
- tkn[se1[ss]]:=2;
- jfound:=1;
- skip(se2[ss],pc)
- end;
- if (nw2[ss]<>0) and (pc<>-1) then
- if (tkn[nw1[ss]]<1) and (brd[nw2[ss]]=0) then begin
- if abs(brd[nw1[ss]])=2 then
- tmv[tmp]:=-ss
- else
- tmv[tmp]:=ss;
- tkn[nw1[ss]]:=2;
- jfound:=1;
- skip(nw2[ss],pc)
- end;
- if (ne2[ss]<>0) and (pc<>-1) then
- if (tkn[ne1[ss]]<1) and (brd[ne2[ss]]=0) then begin
- if abs(brd[ne1[ss]])=2 then
- tmv[tmp]:=-ss
- else
- tmv[tmp]:=ss;
- tkn[ne1[ss]]:=2;
- jfound:=1;
- skip(ne2[ss],pc)
- end;
- if (tmvp>1) and (jfound=0) then begin
- if ((ss>28) and (pc=-1)) or ((ss<5) and (pc=1)) then begin
- tmv[tmvp]:=99;
- tmvp:=tmvp+1
- end;
- mvlst[nextm]:=tmvp;
- for k:=0 to tmvp-1 do
- mvlst[nextm+k+1]:=tmv[k];
- nextm:=nextm+12
- end;
- if tmp>0 then begin
- tmvp:=tmp;
- s1:=abs(tmv[tmp-1]);
- s2:=abs(tmv[tmp]);
- if sw2[s1]=s2 then
- tkn[sw1[s1]]:=0
- else if nw2[s1]=s2 then
- tkn[nw1[s1]]:=0
- else if ne2[s1]=s2 then
- tkn[ne1[s1]]:=0
- else if se2[s1]=s2 then
- tkn[se1[s1]]:=0
- end
- end;
- procedure move(ss,pc:integer);
- begin
- if (sw1[ss]<>0) and (pc<>1) then
- if brd[sw1[ss]]=0 then begin
- mvlst[nextm+1]:=ss;
- mvlst[nextm+2]:=sw1[ss];
- mvlst[nextm]:=2;
- if (sw1[ss]>28) and (pc=-1) then begin
- mvlst[nextm+3]:=99;
- mvlst[nextm]:=3
- end;
- nextm:=nextm+12
- end;
- if (se1[ss]<>0) and (pc<>1) then
- if brd[se1[ss]]=0 then begin
- mvlst[nextm+1]:=ss;
- mvlst[nextm+2]:=se1[ss];
- mvlst[nextm]:=2;
- if (se1[ss]>28) and (pc=-1) then begin
- mvlst[nextm+3]:=99;
- mvlst[nextm]:=3
- end;
- nextm:=nextm+12
- end;
- if (nw1[ss]<>0) and (pc<>-1) then
- if brd[nw1[ss]]=0 then begin
- mvlst[nextm+1]:=ss;
- mvlst[nextm+2]:=nw1[ss];
- mvlst[nextm]:=2;
- if (nw1[ss]<5) and (pc=1) then begin
- mvlst[nextm+3]:=99;
- mvlst[nextm]:=3
- end;
- nextm:=nextm+12
- end;
- if (ne1[ss]<>0) and (pc<>-1) then
- if brd[ne1[ss]]=0 then begin
- mvlst[nextm+1]:=ss;
- mvlst[nextm+2]:=ne1[ss];
- mvlst[nextm]:=2;
- if (ne1[ss]<5) and (pc=1) then begin
- mvlst[nextm+3]:=99;
- mvlst[nextm]:=3
- end;
- nextm:=nextm+12
- end
- end;
- procedure movegen(lvl:integer);
- var
- mbeg,colr,c:integer;
- begin
- tmvp:=0;
- if lvl mod 2=0 then
- colr:=1
- else
- colr:=-1;
- if plyr=-1 then
- colr:=-colr;
- mbeg:=360*lvl;
- nextm:=mbeg;
- for c:=1 to 32 do
- if ((brd[c]<0) and (colr>0)) or ((brd[c]>0) and (colr<0)) then
- tkn[c]:=0
- else
- tkn[c]:=1;
- for c:=1 to 32 do
- if (brd[c]<>0) and (tkn[c]<>0) then begin
- tmvp:=0;
- tpc:=brd[c];
- brd[c]:=0;
- skip(c,tpc);
- brd[c]:=tpc
- end;
- if nextm=mbeg then
- for c:=1 to 32 do
- if (brd[c]<>0) and (tkn[c]<>0) then
- move(c,brd[c]);
- mvlst[nextm]:=0
- end;
- procedure st(i,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,v:integer);
- begin
- sw1[i]:=a;
- sw2[i]:=b;
- nw1[i]:=c;
- nw2[i]:=d;
- ne1[i]:=e;
- ne2[i]:=f;
- se1[i]:=g;
- se2[i]:=h;
- kval[i]:=v;
- end;
- procedure initarr;
- var
- c :integer;
- begin
- st(1,5,0,0,0,0,0,6,10,-30);
- st(2,6,9,0,0,0,0,7,11,-30);
- st(3,7,10,0,0,0,0,8,12,-30);
- st(4,8,11,0,0,0,0,0,0,-30);
- st(5,0,0,0,0,1,0,9,14,-30);
- st(6,9,13,1,0,2,0,10,15,-15);
- st(7,10,14,2,0,3,0,11,16,-15);
- st(8,11,15,3,0,4,0,12,0,-15);
- st(9,13,0,5,0,6,2,14,18,-15);
- st(10,14,17,6,1,7,3,15,19,15);
- st(11,15,18,7,2,8,4,16,20,15);
- st(12,16,19,8,3,0,0,0,0,-30);
- st(13,0,0,0,0,9,6,17,22,-30);
- st(14,17,21,9,5,10,7,18,23,15);
- st(15,18,22,10,6,11,8,19,24,30);
- st(16,19,23,11,7,12,0,20,0,-15);
- st(17,21,0,13,0,14,10,22,26,-15);
- st(18,22,25,14,9,15,11,23,27,30);
- st(19,23,26,15,10,16,12,24,28,15);
- st(20,24,27,16,11,0,0,0,0,-30);
- st(21,0,0,0,0,17,14,25,30,-30);
- st(22,25,29,17,13,18,15,26,31,15);
- st(23,26,30,18,14,19,16,27,32,15);
- st(24,27,31,19,15,20,0,28,0,-15);
- st(25,29,0,21,0,22,18,30,0,-15);
- st(26,30,0,22,17,23,19,31,0,-15);
- st(27,31,0,23,18,24,20,32,0,-15);
- st(28,32,0,24,19,0,0,0,0,-30);
- st(29,0,0,0,0,25,22,0,0,-30);
- st(30,0,0,25,21,26,23,0,0,-30);
- st(31,0,0,26,22,27,24,0,0,-30);
- st(32,0,0,27,23,28,0,0,0,-30);
- for c:=1 to 8 do
- nx[c]:=0;
- for c:=9 to 32 do
- nx[c]:=c-8;
- for c:=1 to 24 do
- s[c]:=c+8;
- for c:=25 to 32 do
- s[c]:=0;
- for c:=1 to 32 do
- if (c-1) mod 4=0 then
- wx[c]:=0
- else
- wx[c]:=c-1;
- for c:=1 to 32 do
- if (c-1) mod 4=3 then
- e[c]:=0
- else
- e[c]:=c+1;
- end;
- function eval:integer;
- var
- score,n,w,b,bq,wq,cof : integer;
- cond : boolean;
- begin
- score:=0;
- w:=0;
- b:=0;
- bq:=0;
- wq:=0;
- for n:=1 to 32 do
- case brd[n] of
- -2: bq:=bq+1;
- -1: b:=b+1;
- 1: w:=w+1;
- 2: wq:=wq+1;
- end;
- if w+wq=0 then
- score:=-31000
- else if b+bq=0 then
- score:=31000
- else begin
- score:=w*1000+wq*2000-b*1000-bq*2000;
- for n:=5 to 28 do
- if brd[n]>0 then begin
- if brd[sw1[n]]>0 then
- score:=score+8;
- if brd[se1[n]]>0 then
- score:=score+8
- end
- else if brd[n]<0 then begin
- if brd[nw1[n]]<0 then
- score:=score-8;
- if brd[ne1[n]]<0 then
- score:=score-8
- end;
- if bq<2 then
- for n:=29 to 32 do
- if brd[n]=1 then
- score:=score+25;
- if wq<2 then
- for n:=1 to 4 do
- if brd[n]=-1 then
- score:=score-25;
- end;
- if plyr=-1 then
- score:=-score;
- if abs(score)<>31000 then begin
- cof:=1;
- if plyr=-1 then begin
- if b<5 then cof:=10;
- score:=score+(b-wq)*20;
- for w:=5 to 28 do
- if brd[w]=-1 then
- score:=score+((w-1) div 4)*cof
- end;
- if plyr=1 then begin
- if w<5 then cof:=10;
- score:=score+(w-bq)*20;
- for w:=5 to 28 do
- if brd[w]=1 then
- score:=score+((7-(w-1)) div 4)*cof
- end;
- if (wq>0) or (bq>0) then
- for n:=1 to 32 do
- case brd[n] of
- -2 : begin
- if plyr=-1 then
- score:=score+kval[i]
- else if wq>=bq then begin
- if brd[nw2[n]]=2 then
- score:=score+50;
- if brd[sw2[n]]=2 then
- score:=score+50;
- if brd[ne2[n]]=2 then
- score:=score+50;
- if brd[se2[n]]=2 then
- score:=score+50;
- if brd[nx[n]]=2 then
- score:=score+100;
- if brd[s[n]]=2 then
- score:=score+100;
- if brd[e[n]]=2 then
- score:=score+100;
- if brd[wx[n]]=2 then
- score:=score+100;
- end;
- end;
- 2 : begin
- if plyr=1 then
- score:=score+kval[i]
- else if bq>=wq then begin
- if brd[nw2[n]]=-2 then
- score:=score+50;
- if brd[sw2[n]]=-2 then
- score:=score+50;
- if brd[ne2[n]]=-2 then
- score:=score+50;
- if brd[se2[n]]=-2 then
- score:=score+50;
- if brd[nx[n]]=-2 then
- score:=score+100;
- if brd[s[n]]=-2 then
- score:=score+100;
- if brd[e[n]]=-2 then
- score:=score+100;
- if brd[wx[n]]=-2 then
- score:=score+100;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- eval:=score
- end;
- procedure restore(pos:integer);
- var
- cnt,rs,rsc,pc,sq1,sq2 :integer;
- begin
- cnt:=mvlst[pos]+pos;
- if mvlst[cnt]=99 then begin
- cnt:=cnt-1;
- pc:=brd[mvlst[cnt]] div 2
- end
- else
- pc:=brd[mvlst[cnt]];
- if pc<0 then
- rs:=1
- else
- rs:=-1;
- if abs(abs(mvlst[cnt])-abs(mvlst[cnt-1]))<6 then begin
- brd[mvlst[cnt-1]]:=pc;
- brd[mvlst[cnt]]:=0
- end
- else
- while cnt>pos+1 do begin
- sq2:=abs(mvlst[cnt]);
- sq1:=abs(mvlst[cnt-1]);
- if se2[sq2]=sq1 then
- rsc:=se1[sq2]
- else if sw2[sq2]=sq1 then
- rsc:=sw1[sq2]
- else if nw2[sq2]=sq1 then
- rsc:=nw1[sq2]
- else if ne2[sq2]=sq1 then
- rsc:=ne1[sq2];
- brd[sq2]:=0;
- brd[sq1]:=pc;
- if mvlst[cnt-1]>0 then
- brd[rsc]:=rs
- else
- brd[rsc]:=rs*2;
- cnt:=cnt-1
- end
- end;
- procedure update(pos:integer);
- var
- lst,cnt,pc,klc,sq1,sq2 : integer;
- begin
- cnt:=pos+1;
- pc:=brd[abs(mvlst[cnt])];
- lst:=mvlst[pos]+pos;
- if mvlst[lst]=99 then begin
- lst:=lst-1;
- pc:=pc*2
- end;
- if abs(abs(mvlst[cnt])-abs(mvlst[cnt+1]))<6 then begin
- brd[mvlst[cnt]]:=0;
- brd[mvlst[cnt+1]]:=pc
- end
- else
- while cnt<lst do begin
- sq1:=abs(mvlst[cnt]);
- sq2:=abs(mvlst[cnt+1]);
- if ne2[sq1]=sq2 then
- klc:=ne1[sq1]
- else if nw2[sq1]=sq2 then
- klc:=nw1[sq1]
- else if sw2[sq1]=sq2 then
- klc:=sw1[sq1]
- else if se2[sq1]=sq2 then
- klc:=se1[sq1];
- brd[sq1]:=0;
- brd[klc]:=0;
- brd[sq2]:=pc;
- cnt:=cnt+1
- end
- end;
- procedure getmove;
- label 5;
- var
- square,pnt,p : integer;
- mv : array[1..12] of integer;
- fnd,found,fin,first,pr,ok : boolean;
- begin
- alok:=false;
- fnd:=false;
- movegen(1);
- p:=361;
- while not fnd and (mvlst[p-1]<>0) do begin
- if abs(mvlst[p])=code then fnd:=true;
- p:=p+12
- end;
- if fnd then begin
- plyr:=-plyr;
- alok:=true;
- movegen(0);
- first:=true;
- if mvlst[0]<>0 then begin
- repeat
- if first then begin
- mv[1]:=code;
- square:=2
- end
- else
- square:=square-1;
- first:=false;
- fin:=false;
- repeat
- menu_enable(a_menu,can_mov);
- convert_g(mv[square-1],i,j);
- line_color(0);
- if mono then line_color(1);
- rectangle;
- if square>2 then begin
- convert_g(mv[square-2],i,j);
- line_color(3);
- rectangle;
- end;
- repeat
- which:=get_event( E_Message | E_Button, 1, 1, 1, 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- dummy, dummy, dummy, mx, my, dummy );
- my:=trunc(my/mul);
- if (which=E_Message) and (msg[4]=can_mov) then begin
- line_color(3);
- menu_normal(a_menu,msg[3]);
- for p:=1 to square do begin
- convert_g(mv[p],i,j);
- if mono then begin
- hide_mouse;
- paint_style(6);
- paint_rect(50*i+150,(20*j-6)*mul,50,20*mul);
- vixbrd[mv[p]]:=0;
- print_board;
- show_mouse;
- end
- else rectangle;
- end;
- alok:=false;
- plyr:=-plyr;
- goto 5;
- end;
- my:=my-12;
- i:=((mx-200) div 50)+1;
- j:=((my-14) div 20)+1;
- if (which=e_button) and (mx>199) and (mx<601) and (my>1)
- and (my<173) then ok:=true
- else ok:=false;
- if ((i mod 2=0) and (j mod 2=0)) or ((i mod 2=1) and (j mod 2=1))
- then ok:=false;
- until ok and (which=E_Button);
- convert_s(i,j,n);
- mv[square]:=n;
- pr:=false;
- p:=0;
- fnd:=false;
- while (mvlst[p]<>0) and (not fnd) do begin
- found:=true;
- for pnt:=1 to square do
- if abs(mvlst[pnt+p])<>mv[pnt] then
- found:=false;
- if found then
- fnd:=true;
- p:=p+12
- end;
- p:=p-12;
- square:=square+1;
- if ((mvlst[square+p]=99) or (square>mvlst[p])) and (fnd) then
- fin:=true
- until (fin) or (not fnd)
- until fin
- end;
- lm:=mv;
- convert_g(mv[square-2],i,j);
- line_color(3);
- if mono then line_color(0);
- rectangle;
- update(p);
- plyr:=-plyr;
- movegen(0);
- if (eval<-30000) or (mvlst[0]=0) then begin
- print_message('I LOSE...',false);
- over:=true;
- alok:=false;
- end
- end;
- menu_disable(a_menu,can_mov);
- which:=get_event( E_Button, 1, 0, 1, 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- dummy, dummy, dummy, mx, my, dummy );
- 5:end;
- procedure alphbet;
- label
- 20;
- var
- score : array[-1..MAXP1] of integer;
- mp : array[0..MAXP1] of integer;
- ply,c,d,f,r1,r2,h,maxsr : integer;
- tt : integer;
- xt,any,prdone,diff : boolean;
- function t_settime(time:integer):integer;
- gemdos($2d);
- begin
- sonia:=' ';
- set_mouse(M_Bee);
- oldbrd:=brd;
- tt:=t_settime(0);
- score[1]:=eval;
- movegen(0);
- if (mvlst[12]=0) and not near then begin
- for c:=0 to 11 do
- princ[c+12,1]:=mvlst[c];
- set_mouse(M_Arrow);
- show_move(0);
- update(0);
- goto 20
- end;
- maxsr:=1;
- if timelim=0 then
- maxsr:=4;
- repeat
- sonia[maxsr]:='.';
- if timelim<>0 then
- print_message(sonia,false);
- score[-1]:=-32000;
- score[0]:=32000;
- ply:=0;
- prdone:=false;
- if timelim=0 then
- prdone:=true;
- repeat
- any:=true;
- while (ply<>maxsr) and any do begin
- movegen(ply);
- if (not prdone) and (maxsr<>1) then begin
- d:=ply*360;
- diff:=true;
- while (mvlst[d]<>0) and (diff) do begin
- diff:=false;
- for c:=0 to mvlst[d] do
- if mvlst[d+c]<>princ[12*ply+12+c,1] then
- diff:=true;
- d:=d+12
- end;
- if not diff then begin
- d:=d-12;
- for c:=0 to 11 do begin
- mvlst[d+c]:=mvlst[360*ply+c];
- mvlst[360*ply+c]:=princ[12*ply+12+c,1]
- end
- end
- else
- prdone:=true;
- if ply=maxsr-1 then
- prdone:=true
- end;
- if mvlst[ply*360]=0 then
- any:=false;
- if any then begin
- score[ply+1]:=score[ply-1];
- mp[ply+1]:=360*ply;
- ply:=ply+1;
- update(mp[ply]);
- end
- end;
- if not any then
- if ply mod 2=0 then
- score[ply+1]:=-31000
- else
- score[ply+1]:=31000
- else
- score[ply+1]:=eval;
- xt:=false;
- repeat
- if ((ply mod 2=0) and (score[ply+1]<=score[ply-1])) or
- ((ply mod 2=1) and (score[ply+1]>=score[ply-1])) then begin
- restore(mp[ply]);
- ply:=ply-1
- end
- else if ((ply mod 2=0) and (score[ply+1]<score[ply])) or
- ((ply mod 2=1) and (score[ply+1]>score[ply])) then begin
- score[ply]:=score[ply+1];
- if ply<maxsr then begin
- r1:=(ply+1)*12;
- r2:=maxsr*12+11;
- for h:=r1 to r2 do
- princ[h,ply]:=princ[h,ply+1]
- end;
- r1:=ply*12;
- for h:=0 to 11 do
- princ[r1+h,ply]:=mvlst[mp[ply]+h];
- if ply=1 then
- disp_move;
- end;
- restore(mp[ply]);
- ply:=ply-1;
- if mvlst[mp[ply+1]+12]<>0 then
- xt:=true
- until (xt) or (ply=0);
- if (ply<>0) or xt then begin
- mp[ply+1]:=mp[ply+1]+12;
- ply:=ply+1;
- update(mp[ply]);
- end;
- until (ply=0) and (not xt);
- maxsr:=maxsr+1;
- until (maxsr=dmax+1) or (score[1]=31000)
- or ((clock>timelim) and (maxsr>6));
- hide_mouse;
- pnt_color(3);
- for c:=13 to lij do
- if (ii[c]<>0) and (jj[c]<>0) then begin
- i:=ii[c];
- j:=jj[c];
- paint_rect(50*i+150,(20*j-6)*mul,10,4*mul)
- end;
- pnt_color(0);
- show_mouse;
- brd:=oldbrd;
- hide_mouse;
- paint_rect(10,17*mul,170,10*mul);
- show_mouse;
- for d:=12 to 23 do
- mvlst[d]:=princ[d,1];
- if (score[1]=31000) and ((maxsr-2) div 2<>0) and (timelim<>0) then begin
- sonia:='I win in ... ';
- near:=true;
- sonia[10]:=chr((maxsr-2) div 2+ord('0'));
- print_message(sonia,false);
- end;
- set_mouse(M_arrow);
- show_move(12);
- update(12);
- 20:
- movegen(1);
- if (eval>30000) or (mvlst[360]=0) then begin
- print_message('*** I WIN! ***',false);
- over:=true
- end
- end;
- procedure init;
- var
- ans : char;
- ac : array[1..4] of char;
- row,i,sq: integer;
- begin
- for sq:=1 to 12 do
- brd[sq]:=-1;
- for sq:=13 to 20 do
- brd[sq]:=0;
- for sq:=21 to 32 do
- brd[sq]:=1;
- end;
- begin
- if init_gem>=0 then begin
- init_mouse;
- mono:=false; mul:=1;
- for c:=1 to 32 do
- brd[c]:=0;
- vixbrd:=brd;
- clrbrd:=brd;
- jedit:=false;
- jinit:=false;
- near:=false;
- full:=false;
- brd[0]:=0;
- ok:=true;
- init_screen;
- set_menu;
- menu_disable(a_menu,quit_edi);
- menu_disable(a_menu,clr_brd);
- menu_disable(a_menu,strt_gme);
- menu_disable(a_menu,can_mov);
- menu_check(a_menu,t_white,true);
- menu_check(a_menu,red_bot,true);
- menu_check(a_menu,level[0],true);
- initarr;
- lij:=13;
- ii[13]:=2;
- jj[13]:=1;
- over:=true;
- plyr:=1;
- top:=false;
- timelim:=0;
- dmax:=4;
- repeat
- which:=get_event( E_Message | E_Button, 1, 1, 1, 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- dummy, dummy, dummy, mx, my, dummy );
- my:=trunc(my/mul);
- if ok then begin
- which:=E_Timer;
- ok:=false;
- end;
- if (which=E_Message) and ((msg[0]=WM_Redraw) or (msg[3]=3))
- then redraw;
- if (which=e_button) and (mx>199) and (mx<601) and (my>13)
- and (my<185) and not over then begin
- my:=my-12;
- i:=((mx-200) div 50)+1;
- j:=((my-14) div 20)+1;
- if ((i mod 2=1) and (j mod 2=0)) or ((i mod 2=0) and (j mod 2=1))
- then begin
- convert_s(i,j,code);
- vixbrd:=brd;
- getmove;
- print_board;
- if alok then begin
- vixbrd:=brd;
- if not jinit then
- alphbet
- else begin
- jinit:=false;
- mvlst[0]:=2;
- if (lm[1]=9) and (lm[2]=13) then begin
- mvlst[1]:=22;
- mvlst[2]:=18;
- end;
- if (lm[1]=9) and (lm[2]=14) then begin
- mvlst[1]:=22;
- mvlst[2]:=18;
- end;
- if (lm[1]=10) and (lm[2]=14) then begin
- mvlst[1]:=22;
- mvlst[2]:=17;
- end;
- if (lm[1]=10) and (lm[2]=15) then begin
- mvlst[1]:=21;
- mvlst[2]:=17;
- end;
- if (lm[1]=11) and (lm[2]=15) then begin
- mvlst[1]:=23;
- mvlst[2]:=18;
- end;
- if (lm[1]=11) and (lm[2]=16) then begin
- mvlst[1]:=22;
- mvlst[2]:=18;
- end;
- if (lm[1]=12) and (lm[2]=16) then begin
- mvlst[1]:=24;
- mvlst[2]:=20;
- end;
- show_move(0);
- vixbrd:=brd;
- update(0);
- print_board;
- end;
- print_board
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (msg[3]=title1) and (which=E_Message) then begin
- menu_normal(a_menu,msg[3]);
- if (msg[4]=edit_brd) then begin
- jinit:=false;
- hide_mouse;
- pnt_color(0);
- paint_rect(10,17*mul,150,10*mul);
- show_mouse;
- setup;
- for c:=1 to 32 do
- if (brd[c]<>0) then
- menu_enable(a_menu,strt_gme);
- over:=true;
- near:=false;
- end
- else if msg[4]=strt_gme then begin
- which:=get_event( E_Button, 1, 0, 1, 0,
- false, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, msg,
- dummy, dummy, dummy, mx, my, dummy );
- over:=false;
- if jedit then begin
- jedit:=false;
- vixbrd:=brd;
- movegen(0);
- if mvlst[0]<>0 then begin
- alphbet;
- print_board;
- end
- else begin
- print_message('I LOSE...',false);
- over:=true;
- print_board;
- end
- end
- else if plyr=-1 then begin
- jinit:=false;
- sq:=abs(gia_read(0) mod 100);
- mvlst[0]:=2;
- mvlst[1]:=11;
- mvlst[2]:=15;
- if sq<50 then begin
- mvlst[0]:=2;
- mvlst[1]:=9;
- mvlst[2]:=14
- end;
- show_move(0);
- vixbrd:=brd;
- update(0);
- print_board;
- end;
- menu_disable(a_menu,strt_gme);
- end
- else if (msg[4]=init_brd) then begin
- jinit:=true;
- jedit:=false;
- hide_mouse;
- pnt_color(0);
- paint_rect(10,17*mul,150,10*mul);
- show_mouse;
- vixbrd:=brd;
- init;
- near:=false;
- over:=true;
- full:=true;
- print_board;
- full:=false;
- menu_enable(a_menu,strt_gme);
- end
- else if (msg[4]=red_top) then begin
- top:=true;
- menu_check(a_menu,red_bot,false);
- menu_check(a_menu,red_top,true);
- vixbrd:=clrbrd;
- full:=true;
- print_board;
- full:=false;
- end
- else if (msg[4]=red_bot) then begin
- menu_check(a_menu,red_bot,true);
- menu_check(a_menu,red_top,false);
- top:=false;
- vixbrd:=clrbrd;
- full:=true;
- print_board;
- full:=false;
- end
- else if (msg[4]=t_black) then begin
- menu_check(a_menu,t_black,true);
- menu_check(a_menu,t_white,false);
- jinit:=false;
- if plyr=1 then begin
- plyr:=-1;
- if not over then begin
- vixbrd:=brd;
- alphbet;
- print_board;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else if (msg[4]=t_white) then begin
- jinit:=false;
- menu_check(a_menu,t_black,false);
- menu_check(a_menu,t_white,true);
- if plyr=-1 then begin
- plyr:=1;
- if not over then begin
- vixbrd:=brd;
- alphbet;
- print_board;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (which=E_Message) and (msg[3]=title2) then begin
- menu_normal(a_menu,msg[3]);
- for c:=0 to 6 do begin
- menu_check(a_menu,level[c],false);
- if (msg[4]=level[c]) then begin
- case c of
- 0:timelim:=0;
- 1:timelim:=15;
- 2:timelim:=60;
- 3:timelim:=150;
- 4:timelim:=600;
- 5:timelim:=3600;
- 6:timelim:=14400;
- end;
- if c=0 then
- dmax:=4
- else
- dmax:=MAX;
- menu_check(a_menu,level[c],true);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until (which=E_Message) and (msg[4]=quit);
- end;
- 50: quit_prg;
- end.
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